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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

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“Harnessing on EMBA Alumni” – The Alumni Project Continues

As a part of the “Harnessing on EMBA Alumni” series, SP Jain’s Dubai campus hosted a session by EMBA alumnus Mr. Niraj Mathur (Regional Manager Security, Dubai HQ, Gulf Business Machines) on 1st July, 2017. The session stared off with an introduction to the IT Security, its importance in Organisations, the global cyber threats, moving on to the key trends in Security in the next 3 years, to vendor landscape and mitigating IT risk. He emphasised on extreme caution, a quick communication strategy and rapid response rate. One must characterise the work of banks and other financial regulators. From an infrastructure perspective, the importance of Security as a department was clearly defined.

Topics: The S P Jain EMBA Experience

A Day without Laughter is a Day wasted - SP Jain Toastmasters Club Meeting #5

SPJ Toastmasters held their 5th meet on the 13th of May, 2017 with a call to order by TM Love Uychoco, followed by a motivating presidential address by the Club President, TM Parmita Debnath. The theme "A day without laughter is a day wasted" was introduced in an excellent way by TMOD TM Namitha who made everyone laugh wholeheartedly.

Topics: Alumni, Executive MBA, EMBA Professionals, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, Networking & Events

Alumni Project – Harnessing an EMBA Alumni

On Saturday, 20th May 2017, Dr. Atul Anant Aundhekar, CEO, Axon Medical Healthcare Group (EMBA Batch – 09) shared brilliant insights on his journey towards success. He was accompanied by Dr. Ameya Ghanekar, Corporate Head, Learning and Development, Meydan Group.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA Program, EMBA Professionals, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, EMBA Achievers, Networking & Events

Executive Career Acceleration Program (ECAP)

Mere functional ability is no longer a passport to success. Soft skills are now the defining factor between managerial mediocrity and superior performance for fast-track career growth. ECAP has been designed and is being implemented from mid-2016, with an emphasis upon individual career development for EMBA students.

Topics: Executive MBA, Executive Career Acceleration Program, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, Executive MBA in Dubai

SPJ Toastmasters Club being established for the EMBAs

Toastmasters’ International (TMI) is a platform that can transform people into better leaders, effective listeners and communicators and hone your public speaking skills. It helps individuals learn the art of speaking, listening and thinking – the vital skills that promotes self-actualisation and enhance leadership potential. Toastmasters have proven to be a platform where speakers are groomed and cultivated.

Topics: Toastmaster, Dubai Campus, Executive MBA in Dubai, Networking & Events

The Entrepreneurship Spirit: EMBA Alumni Ritwika Chaudhuri speaks

A boost in her self-confidence, the broadening of her perspectives and the encouragement to try out new things – these are just a few of the numerous ways SP Jain’s EMBA Batch-28 alumni Ritwika Chaudhuri’s life changed after her Executive MBA. “I could never imagine to turn into an entrepreneur one day but for my EMBA learning, which has taught me that possibilities are unlimited if you dare and act”, Ritwika shares with a smile.

Topics: Executive MBA, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers, EMBA in Dubai

New adventures await Devika as she expands her skills


Topics: EMBA in Mumbai, EMBA Program, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers, Students Speak

EMBA student, Aditya Dholi shares his thoughts on EMBA and SP Jain among other things

Aditya Dholi (EMBA - Class of 2016) points out how investing in oneself only makes people better. He highlights how the S P Jain EMBA is a step in that direction.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA in Mumbai, The S P Jain EMBA Experience

Life at SP Jain during the EMBA is more relevant and more international, says current student Yogesh Deshpande

We interacted with one of our students Yogesh Deshpande(EMBA: Class of 2017) for a quick chat about his experience at SP Jain.Below are the excerpts from our interaction.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA in Mumbai, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers

EMBA Student, Kumud Joshi talks of her SP Jain experience

We interacted with one of our students Kumud Joshi (EMBA: Class of 2017) for a quick chat about her experience at S P Jain. Below are the excerpts from our interaction.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA in Mumbai, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers, SP Jain School of Global Management

The SP Jain EMBA: Gateway to New Opportunities

Abhishek Mitra: EMBA(Mumbai)-2017

Topics: The S P Jain EMBA Experience