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Alumni Project – Harnessing an EMBA Alumni


On Saturday, 20th May 2017, Dr. Atul Anant Aundhekar, CEO, Axon Medical Healthcare Group (EMBA Batch – 09) shared brilliant insights on his journey towards success. He was accompanied by Dr. Ameya Ghanekar, Corporate Head, Learning and Development, Meydan Group.

The Session revolved around the process of Metamorphosis, a term which originates from biology and has a connotation of drastic transformation, like in the case of a larva turning to a pupa and then transforming itself into a butterfly, which has little or no resemblance to the previous phase.

Metamorphosis is an organisational pattern; every Organisation is greater than sum of its parts. We have focused on the “big picture” or the “forest” rather than granular areas, the “Individual Trees”. As in nature, a large change cannot be attributed to a few changes; it is often a result of many small changes. Likewise, the actions proposed and smaller things achieved through this pattern will not have a direct resemblance to the outcome.

He also shared the impact his EMBA with SP Jain had on his career, and his advice on making the most out of the course. He shared his entrepreneurial experiences, spoke about the Middle Eastern Market/ Economy, and what the challenging business environment here demands from you, as an entrepreneur, to sustain your position.

“It was a pleasure for us to hear such a wonderful speech on Metamorphosis. The points which the alum guest speaker, Dr. Atul Anant Aundhekar covered were so interesting that it has opened our eyes as well as minds. We will definitely incorporate the same in our daily lives”. - Bubun Ghosh, EMBA- 40



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