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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

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A Day without Laughter is a Day wasted - SP Jain Toastmasters Club Meeting #5

SPJ Toastmasters held their 5th meet on the 13th of May, 2017 with a call to order by TM Love Uychoco, followed by a motivating presidential address by the Club President, TM Parmita Debnath. The theme "A day without laughter is a day wasted" was introduced in an excellent way by TMOD TM Namitha who made everyone laugh wholeheartedly.

Topics: Alumni, Executive MBA, EMBA Professionals, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, Networking & Events

Alumni Project – Harnessing an EMBA Alumni

On Saturday, 20th May 2017, Dr. Atul Anant Aundhekar, CEO, Axon Medical Healthcare Group (EMBA Batch – 09) shared brilliant insights on his journey towards success. He was accompanied by Dr. Ameya Ghanekar, Corporate Head, Learning and Development, Meydan Group.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA Program, EMBA Professionals, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, EMBA Achievers, Networking & Events

SPJ Toastmasters Club being established for the EMBAs

Toastmasters’ International (TMI) is a platform that can transform people into better leaders, effective listeners and communicators and hone your public speaking skills. It helps individuals learn the art of speaking, listening and thinking – the vital skills that promotes self-actualisation and enhance leadership potential. Toastmasters have proven to be a platform where speakers are groomed and cultivated.

Topics: Toastmaster, Dubai Campus, Executive MBA in Dubai, Networking & Events

Executive MBA Orientation 2015-Dubai

The Executive MBA orientation at the Dubai campus began with the lighting of the lamp by the program coordinators which signifies knowledge and the absence of darkness, grief & unhappiness . Followed by an exclusive welcome address and motivational speech by Prof. Christopher Abraham, Head – Dubai campus , Sr. Vice President – Institutional development. The students got an opportunity to introduce themselves to one another over an ice breaking session.

Topics: Dubai Campus, EMBA Program, Executive MBA in Dubai, Networking & Events

Executive MBA Orientation 2015-Sydney

The program orientation provides our new Executive MBA students with an introduction to the academic schedule, a review of the online learning web platform, and the opportunity to network with fellow classmates. Students began the evening with a networking reception which afforded the opportunity to meet school administrators and academic faculty.

Topics: Sydney Campus, EMBA Program, Executive MBA in Sydney, Networking & Events

Supply Chain Conference at S P Jain Singapore campus

On 27th February 2015, a Supply Chain Conference was organised at our Singapore campus with a great success. This was 6th in the series of such conferences, which were organised in our Singapore and Dubai campuses in the last 7 years. In the past, Supply Chain and Logistics fraternity have supported all our events in Singapore as well as in Dubai. We had a similar overwhelming response this time as well.

Topics: Networking & Events