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A Day without Laughter is a Day wasted - SP Jain Toastmasters Club Meeting #5


SPJ Toastmasters held their 5th meet on the 13th of May, 2017 with a call to order by TM Love Uychoco, followed by a motivating presidential address by the Club President, TM Parmita Debnath. The theme "A day without laughter is a day wasted" was introduced in an excellent way by TMOD TM Namitha who made everyone laugh wholeheartedly.

The session saw the introduction of the Word of The Day – insurmountable, which was followed by several helpful educational sessions. The event also saw several impromptu speeches with some great topics keeping with the topic ‘laughter’.

TM Mr.Sami Herbawi gave the members an insight on the evaluations and also was the winner of the impromptu.




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Dr. David Horace Harwell, Assistant Dean - MGB & GMBA at S P Jain Global