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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

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Alumni Project – Harnessing an EMBA Alumni

On Saturday, 20th May 2017, Dr. Atul Anant Aundhekar, CEO, Axon Medical Healthcare Group (EMBA Batch – 09) shared brilliant insights on his journey towards success. He was accompanied by Dr. Ameya Ghanekar, Corporate Head, Learning and Development, Meydan Group.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA Program, EMBA Professionals, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, EMBA Achievers, Networking & Events

The Entrepreneurship Spirit: EMBA Alumni Ritwika Chaudhuri speaks

A boost in her self-confidence, the broadening of her perspectives and the encouragement to try out new things – these are just a few of the numerous ways SP Jain’s EMBA Batch-28 alumni Ritwika Chaudhuri’s life changed after her Executive MBA. “I could never imagine to turn into an entrepreneur one day but for my EMBA learning, which has taught me that possibilities are unlimited if you dare and act”, Ritwika shares with a smile.

Topics: Executive MBA, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers, EMBA in Dubai

New adventures await Devika as she expands her skills


Topics: EMBA in Mumbai, EMBA Program, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers, Students Speak

Life at SP Jain during the EMBA is more relevant and more international, says current student Yogesh Deshpande

We interacted with one of our students Yogesh Deshpande(EMBA: Class of 2017) for a quick chat about his experience at SP Jain.Below are the excerpts from our interaction.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA in Mumbai, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers

EMBA Student, Kumud Joshi talks of her SP Jain experience

We interacted with one of our students Kumud Joshi (EMBA: Class of 2017) for a quick chat about her experience at S P Jain. Below are the excerpts from our interaction.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA in Mumbai, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers, SP Jain School of Global Management