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A Day without Laughter is a Day wasted - SP Jain Toastmasters Club Meeting #5

SPJ Toastmasters held their 5th meet on the 13th of May, 2017 with a call to order by TM Love Uychoco, followed by a motivating presidential address by the Club President, TM Parmita Debnath. The theme "A day without laughter is a day wasted" was introduced in an excellent way by TMOD TM Namitha who made everyone laugh wholeheartedly.

Topics: Alumni, Executive MBA, EMBA Professionals, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, Networking & Events

Alumni Project – Harnessing an EMBA Alumni

On Saturday, 20th May 2017, Dr. Atul Anant Aundhekar, CEO, Axon Medical Healthcare Group (EMBA Batch – 09) shared brilliant insights on his journey towards success. He was accompanied by Dr. Ameya Ghanekar, Corporate Head, Learning and Development, Meydan Group.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA Program, EMBA Professionals, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, EMBA Achievers, Networking & Events