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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

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A Day without Laughter is a Day wasted - SP Jain Toastmasters Club Meeting #5

SPJ Toastmasters held their 5th meet on the 13th of May, 2017 with a call to order by TM Love Uychoco, followed by a motivating presidential address by the Club President, TM Parmita Debnath. The theme "A day without laughter is a day wasted" was introduced in an excellent way by TMOD TM Namitha who made everyone laugh wholeheartedly.

Topics: Alumni, Executive MBA, EMBA Professionals, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, Networking & Events

Interview with Prof. Adel Dimian

Area of Study/Specialisation: Business Strategy

1.What brings you to S P Jain?
I am teaching at S P Jain because of the diverse curriculum and students. I enjoy their engagement and the courses S P Jain allows me to teach: international business, global strategy, entrepreneurship. It is fun to work in an environment that respects the breadth of disciplines and practical teaching skills one might have.

Topics: Alumni, Dubai Campus, EMBA Program, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, Executive MBA in Dubai, Faculty Speak

My journey at S P Jain!

Prashant Narayan More
EMBA Class of 2010
Senior Internal Auditor - Arenco Group
President of S P Jain’s Dubai Alumni Chapter


It has been excellent experience at S P Jain and time well invested doing the Executive MBA course during the period 2008-2010, with the objective to sharpen skills, upgrade knowledge relevant for effective performance at the workplace

Topics: Alumni, EMBA, Dubai Campus, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, Executive MBA in Dubai

Dr. David Horace Harwell, Assistant Dean - MGB & GMBA at S P Jain Global

Interview with Dr. David Horace Harwell (Assistant Dean - MGB & GMBA)

1. What brings you to S P Jain?
My family and I were seeking to return to Dubai after time in Southeast Asia, and the obvious choice for top schools is S P Jain. Their regional and global reputations are excellent, and I wanted to contribute my knowledge and experience to helping students in a very practical way towards their goals.

Topics: Alumni, Dean's Desk, EMBA Program, Assistant Dean, David Horace Harwell, Faculty Speak, Student Life & Experiences