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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

Everything you need to know before joining

SPJ Toastmasters Club being established for the EMBAs

Toastmasters’ International (TMI) is a platform that can transform people into better leaders, effective listeners and communicators and hone your public speaking skills. It helps individuals learn the art of speaking, listening and thinking – the vital skills that promotes self-actualisation and enhance leadership potential. Toastmasters have proven to be a platform where speakers are groomed and cultivated.

Topics: Toastmaster, Dubai Campus, Executive MBA in Dubai, Networking & Events

Executive MBA Orientation 2015-Dubai

The Executive MBA orientation at the Dubai campus began with the lighting of the lamp by the program coordinators which signifies knowledge and the absence of darkness, grief & unhappiness . Followed by an exclusive welcome address and motivational speech by Prof. Christopher Abraham, Head – Dubai campus , Sr. Vice President – Institutional development. The students got an opportunity to introduce themselves to one another over an ice breaking session.

Topics: Dubai Campus, EMBA Program, Executive MBA in Dubai, Networking & Events

Interview with Prof. Adel Dimian

Area of Study/Specialisation: Business Strategy

1.What brings you to S P Jain?
I am teaching at S P Jain because of the diverse curriculum and students. I enjoy their engagement and the courses S P Jain allows me to teach: international business, global strategy, entrepreneurship. It is fun to work in an environment that respects the breadth of disciplines and practical teaching skills one might have.

Topics: Alumni, Dubai Campus, EMBA Program, All you need to know about EMBA @ SP JAIN, Executive MBA in Dubai, Faculty Speak

Don’t wait for your destination, enjoy the journey!

Lynnette Britto
Class of 2017-EMBA
Content Management Coordinator - Landmark Group


In 2011 I graduated and got my first job offer, while also contemplating a Masters in the USA, a trend very prevalent back then, I didn’t go to the US, but began my career with Accenture. Ever since, I proclaimed that come what may, I wouldn’t do an MBA, I’ll work hard to reach the top and do it without an MBA. In 2015 I realized I may be wrong.

Topics: EMBA, Dubai Campus, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, Executive MBA in Dubai, Students Speak

Returning back to academia...

Varun Jha
EMBA Class of 2017
Regional Manager - Piramal Group


I distinctly remember my first day in class. The whole idea of sitting at one place and letting someone take over for 3 hours seemed quite demanding. I didn’t know whether I was up for it anymore. The most overpowering thought was that I would fall asleep after a long day at work. Caffeine shots before the class was my idea of encountering what was about to come.

Topics: Executive MBA, Dubai Campus, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, Executive MBA in Dubai

My journey at S P Jain!

Prashant Narayan More
EMBA Class of 2010
Senior Internal Auditor - Arenco Group
President of S P Jain’s Dubai Alumni Chapter


It has been excellent experience at S P Jain and time well invested doing the Executive MBA course during the period 2008-2010, with the objective to sharpen skills, upgrade knowledge relevant for effective performance at the workplace

Topics: Alumni, EMBA, Dubai Campus, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, Executive MBA in Dubai

Don’t think…Do it!

Rajeev M Puthiyedath
Executive MBA Class of 2016
Regional Head – Fortron Automotive Treatments


Don’t think…Do it!

I have been thinking about getting an MBA program for a long time, but thinking alone wouldn’t take you anywhere unless you act on it.

Topics: Executive MBA, Dubai Campus, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, Executive MBA in Dubai, MBA in Dubai, Students Speak

A family away from home

Shipra Chopra
Procurement Executive
Philip Morris Management Services (ME) Ltd.
EMBA Class of 2017


I live alone. For the first time in all my life, I’m the queen of my own castle and it has been more than 3 years now.

Topics: Executive MBA, Dubai Campus, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, Executive MBA in Dubai, MBA in Dubai, Students Speak