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“Harnessing on EMBA Alumni” – The Alumni Project Continues


As a part of the “Harnessing on EMBA Alumni” series, SP Jain’s Dubai campus hosted a session by EMBA alumnus Mr. Niraj Mathur (Regional Manager Security, Dubai HQ, Gulf Business Machines) on 1st July, 2017. The session stared off with an introduction to the IT Security, its importance in Organisations, the global cyber threats, moving on to the key trends in Security in the next 3 years, to vendor landscape and mitigating IT risk. He emphasised on extreme caution, a quick communication strategy and rapid response rate. One must characterise the work of banks and other financial regulators. From an infrastructure perspective, the importance of Security as a department was clearly defined.

About the Speaker

Mr. Niraj Mathur is an EMBA alumnus (Batch 11) of SP Jain School of Global Management. He has been in the IT Industry for over 16 years with 10 years spent in the Gulf. He is currently leading and managing the Security Business Unit for GBM across the Gulf region. He has developed and launched the consulting practice for GBM and the GBM Security Framework for various Industries.

Mr. Niraj has been a speaker for Information Security for many large and focused security events across the Gulf on behalf of GBM. He has also shared great informative insights based on his rich experience in the IT Security Arena, and also discussed a few of his research findings.







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