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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

Returning back to academia...


Varun Jha
EMBA Class of 2017
Regional Manager - Piramal Group


I distinctly remember my first day in class. The whole idea of sitting at one place and letting someone take over for 3 hours seemed quite demanding. I didn’t know whether I was up for it anymore. The most overpowering thought was that I would fall asleep after a long day at work. Caffeine shots before the class was my idea of encountering what was about to come. It has been 4 months and 7 credits ever since and till date I never felt the same again. Every session was enjoyable and challenged me to think differently. I remember before joining the course I would look at financial statements of a company and turn dyslexic. The finance dyslexia subsequently is becoming my strength.  Once upon a time I used to hate finance and today I feel I have got a new found love. I am enormously thankful to the faculty that I could discover this new found love.



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