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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

Everything you need to know before joining

New adventures await Devika as she expands her skills


Topics: EMBA in Mumbai, EMBA Program, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers, Students Speak

EMBA student, Aditya Dholi shares his thoughts on EMBA and SP Jain among other things

Aditya Dholi (EMBA - Class of 2016) points out how investing in oneself only makes people better. He highlights how the S P Jain EMBA is a step in that direction.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA in Mumbai, The S P Jain EMBA Experience

Life at SP Jain during the EMBA is more relevant and more international, says current student Yogesh Deshpande

We interacted with one of our students Yogesh Deshpande(EMBA: Class of 2017) for a quick chat about his experience at SP Jain.Below are the excerpts from our interaction.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA in Mumbai, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers

EMBA Student, Kumud Joshi talks of her SP Jain experience

We interacted with one of our students Kumud Joshi (EMBA: Class of 2017) for a quick chat about her experience at S P Jain. Below are the excerpts from our interaction.

Topics: Executive MBA, EMBA in Mumbai, The S P Jain EMBA Experience, EMBA Achievers, SP Jain School of Global Management